Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What were some of the common kinds of Medieval Art?

In the medieval times there were all kinds of art. The most common kind of art was religious. This is because it was allowed people to express there feelings about what they believed in. Also the reason I believe there was so much religious art is because of the fact that there were pictures of the crucifixion and flight into Egypt. Many religious paintings were related to god and Christianity, although they were some Jewish and Islam. They called the time where many painting were painted like this the renaissance.  People would paint huge paintings and sculptures and beads and anything they could get their hands on. They would go to places all around to see different kinds of art and the different cultures that had spread.

             Some art also was of jewelry and even painted on walls of buildings, houses, and churches. They had stain glass window in many churches that were larger and more common for people to go to. Some of the jewelry was called prayer beads.  They would carry them around for good luck and give them to loved ones. Some people would create art just for themselves and not expect anyone to ever see it or over be paid for it they would just have it sit in there home for the rest of there lives. Also some people would paint art on there marble. Some people that created sculptures were creating sculptures of there gods and people they had admired for long periods of times. Also people would send there sculptures to there nearby or far away palaces and churches to be admired by people from all around.

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