Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What was the Romanesque Era; how did it affect their art?

A picture from the Romanesque era.
Southern Europeans became much less interested in paintings and preferred to focus more on human figures. This period of time lasted from about 1050 AD to about 1200 AD and spread throughout Medieval Europe. Romanesque era artist copied only from the classical art and not from the ideas behind it. After the 400s Europeans focused on small art. But the Romanesque era was larger than it had been before.
            During this time tall 3D statues became very popular and common.  Sculptures moved beyond just decorating palaces and churches and homes. They made a statement about the biblical figures of that time. Many did go to churches but they saw then different than before. Some also went to houses that had just one room to eat sleep and socialize. After this time past them it was the Gothic era.

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